‘Our workshops at N.I.E.S 2022 will facilitate economic empowerment for women and youths’
– By majorwavesen




Mrs. Blessing Enakimio is the Chief Operating Officer/Executive Vice Chair of the Strategic Women and Youth Institute (SWYI). In an interview with select journalists, she talks about SWYI plans of hosting a series of workshops at the upcoming Nigeria International Energy Summit (N.I.E.S 2022) taking place in Abuja from February 27th to March 3rd, 2022. Excerpts;

We noticed that series of training workshops have been scheduled for N.I.E.S 2022?

Your observation is right. The series of the training workshops are being put together by Strategic Women and Youth Institute (SWYI) and the workshops have been planned for the Nigeria International Energy Summit (N.I.E.S 2022).

The SWYI is an international consortium of professionals generating opportunities for economic empowerment. Our vision is to create an accessible platform to facilitate economic empowerment for Women and Youth and our mission is to become an internationally recognised leading institute for female and youth economic empowerment.

So as part of the ways of achieving our objectives, SWYI will be hosting a variety of training workshops at the workshop arena at the N.I.E.S 2022. The Workshops form part of the Education Programme at N.I.E.S and are open to all participants including Visitor Pass holders.

What are the different modules you offer at the workshop?

The agenda is growing as we keep adding to it. For now, we have Academic Taster Workshops under which we are offering Diploma in Futurology for Young Leaders; Diploma in Futurology for Top Executives and Leaders and Executive Masters in Leadership.

We also have a module for Preparing for a Career in the Energy Sector. Under this module we train our participants on how to build a profile, how to apply for jobs, how to prepare for interviews and career routes. The third module is on setting up a business in the Energy Sector. Here, the participants will be trained on how to start and grow business in the energy sector.

Is there a structured way of following up with the participants after the N.I.E.S 2022?

Our stated purpose as an organization is to promote and sustain the need for continued education and human development, build capacity within female led organisations to produce and deploy competence, promote the attainment of the highest standards of excellence and organise and promote programmes and activities that develop leadership and entrepreneurial skills. With such lofty goals, you do not expect us to deliver such training and not have ways of following up with our participants. So, in line with the digital age in which we live in now, we recommend that participants use the Event App and stay connected with us and each other. Also following us on our social media platforms is a great was to keep up to date. We send emails with latest updates and newsletter to participants as well.


What of the N.I.E.S Youth Idea Lab?

The NIES Youth Idea Lab is an Energy Idea Pavilion at N.I.E.S 2022 to showcase of ideas for cleaner fuels. It is a platform for our youths to present their innovations and inventions for cleaner fuels in Nigeria


What is the criterion for participating in the Youth Lab?

To participate in the Youth Lab, you prepare a 5 minutes video – landscape orientation, showcasing your ideas. The Context and format are as follows; Under the introduction, you say your full name, company/institution name, location; a bit about you the inventor; your product offering – show your product, talk through the solution on offer/problem being solved; current stage of product; product plan and expectations from the event and your contact details.


We advise that you save file name as “FULLNAME”, upload to shared drive or private video channel and then share downloadable video link. You will also have to prepare an accompanied full text article/research and feasibility study on your product/solution and send to [email protected]

Are there opportunities for product or service presentation during the workshop?

Yes, we have commercial slots available for product and service presentations. All you need to do is get in touch with us at [email protected] to request a slot.


Who are the other collaborators working with you on the Youth Lab and workshops?

We are so pleased to have Energy Institute Young Professionals Network and The Education Partnership Centre working with SWYI to deliver this year’s Education Programme.


Are we going to be seeing these workshops and Youth Lab in subsequent N.I.E.S editions?

Definitely. That is the plan. Our plan is to create this platform for Energy Innovation which we hope will continue even after the Summit – in schools, in communities and other networks.


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