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Lekki Port Plants 200 Coconut Trees in Celebration of World Environment Day
Lekki Port Plants 200 Coconut Trees in Celebration of World Environment Day.
Lekki Port Plants 200 Coconut Trees in Celebration of World Environment Day.
– By Daniel Terungwa

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Lekki Port Plants 200 Coconut Trees in Celebration of World Environment Day.

In observance of World Environment Day 2024, Lekki Deep Sea Port has planted 200 coconut trees in the Itoke community, aiming to restore the local ecosystem and combat climate change in the area.

During the event, Laurence Smith, Chief Operating Officer of Lekki Port, emphasized that the tree planting initiative reflects the port’s dedication to returning the ecosystem to its natural state. “Lekki Port will continue to prioritize environmental safety and community well-being by implementing sustainable initiatives,” Smith remarked.

Dapo Olakulehin, General Manager of the Lagos State Coconut Development Authority (LASCODA), praised the port’s management for their support in the state’s environmental restoration efforts. “The Lagos State Government is committed to promoting coconut heritage and environmental restoration.

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We appreciate Lekki Port’s vision and efforts towards ecosystem recovery through coconut planting,” Olakulehin stated. He also highlighted the government’s dedication to actions that ensure environmental sustainability and improve livelihoods.

Yetunde Atoyebi, Zonal Director of the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA), lauded Lekki Port for its responsible environmental stewardship. “When we revisit in five years, we will see these seedlings have matured into coconut trees, benefiting the local communities and leaving a healthier ecosystem for future generations,” Atoyebi noted.

The event drew representatives from various regulatory bodies, including the Nigerian Ports Authority, the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, the Department of State Services, the Nigerian Police Force, and residents from the Itoke and Idotun communities.

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